Yandex Advertising Network is one of Russia's leading digital advertising platforms, helping websites and applications monetize through display ads, video ads, and local ads. The platform covers a wide audience in Russia and CIS countries, offering precise ad targeting and optimization tools. Yandex is Russia's largest search engine, with its corresponding advertiser platform being Yandex Direct, similar to Google AdSense's ecosystem position.

Yandex Advertising Network | Google AdSense Alternatives

Company information

  • Company: Yandex
  • Country: Russia

User base

  • Number of publishers: 12,000+
  • Number of advertisers: 300,000+
  • Monthly homepage views: 80,000+
  • Monthly webmaster dashboard views: 70,000+


  • High conversion rates
  • Intelligent ad optimization
  • Wide range of ad format support
  • Global coverage, particularly excelling in Russia and CIS countries
  • Real-time data analysis
  • Flexible ad placement configuration

Supported platforms

  • Websites
  • Mobile applications
  • Telegram channels

Ad types

  • CPC
  • CPM
  • CPA

Ad formats

  • Banner
  • Full-screen
  • Floor ads
  • Top ads
  • Native ads
  • In-image ads

Payment information

  • Minimum payout: 150 USD
  • Payment methods: YooMoney, Bank transfer


  • Website verification: Difficulty: None
  • Verification process: Add meta tag to website or upload file for verification

Address verification

  • Required: No

Automatic ads

  • Supported: No
  • Description: Manual addition of ad units required.

Geographic coverage

  • Supported regions: Most countries and regions worldwide, especially Russia and CIS countries
  • Unsupported regions: None

Approval tips

  • Website content complies with platform policies
  • Nearly no review process, ads can be displayed after adding website and ad units to the backend

Language support


Referral program

  • Available: No