InfoLinks is a globally leading native advertising and smart ad technology company, focusing on providing innovative contextual advertising solutions for publishers. It is known for its non-intrusive ad formats and efficient monetization strategies.

InfoLinks | Google AdSense Alternatives

Company information

  • Company: InfoLinks Media LLC
  • Country: United States
  • Establishment date: 2007

User base

  • Number of publishers: 350,000+
  • Monthly homepage views: 450,000+
  • Monthly webmaster dashboard views: 40,000+


  • Smart contextual advertising
  • Non-intrusive ad formats
  • Global advertiser network
  • High visibility
  • Works well with Google Adsense
  • Adaptive ad units

Supported platforms

  • Websites
  • Blogs
  • Mobile websites

Ad formats

  • InText contextual text ads
  • InFold edge ads
  • InTop top ads
  • InFrame smart frame ads
  • InScreen full-screen ads
  • InArticle in-article ads

Payment information

  • Minimum payout: 50 USD
  • Payment frequency: Monthly
  • Payment methods: PayPal, Bank wire transfer, eCheck, ACH (for US bank accounts only)
  • Earnings period: Previous month's earnings
  • Payment cycle description: Net-45 payment terms, i.e., payment is made 45 days after earnings are generated


  • Website verification: Difficulty: Simple
  • Verification process: Submit website URL for review, after approval add InfoLinks code to the website. Supports integration verification via JavaScript code, WordPress plugin, Blogger plugin, Drupal plugin, etc.

Address verification

  • Required: No

Automatic ads

  • Supported: Yes
  • Description: One-time integration, smart ad placement technology, automatically optimizes ad positions and formats

Geographic coverage

  • Supported regions: Most countries and regions worldwide
  • Unsupported regions: None

Approval tips

  • Comply with InfoLinks' content policy
  • Once your site is approved and the code is correctly integrated, Infolinks 'beginner' ads will appear on your site. We will then start approving your site and serving ads from premium advertisers over the next 21 days to maximize the revenue value of each of your ad units.

Language support

Multi-language support


Referral program

  • Available: Yes

Social media

Registration process

  • Enter the website URL you want to promote, name, email, and password to register. After registration, wait for review (1-2 days), once approved, add the website URL to the InfoLinks backend to start using.