is a global leader in contextual advertising technology, providing publishers with highly relevant and high-yielding ad solutions. It is the second-largest contextual advertising company worldwide (by revenue). As an exclusive partner of the Yahoo! Bing Network, is renowned for its innovative contextual advertising technology and premium ad inventory. | Google AdSense Alternatives

Company information

  • Company: Advertising FZ-LLC
  • Country: Dubai, UAE
  • Establishment date: 2010
  • Company employee number: 1000

User base

  • Number of publishers: 500,000+
  • Monthly homepage views: 15,000,000+


  • Contextual advertising technology
  • High-quality ad inventory
  • Flexible ad unit design
  • Efficient reporting and analytics tools
  • Dedicated account management support
  • Exclusive partnership with Yahoo! Bing Network

Supported platforms

  • Websites
  • Mobile websites

Ad formats

  • Contextual ads
  • Display ads
  • Native ads
  • Search ads

Payment information

  • Minimum payout: 100 USD
  • Payment frequency: Monthly
  • Payment methods: Payoneer, PayPal, Wire transfer
  • Earnings period: Previous month's earnings
  • Payment cycle description: Net 30 payment terms, typically paying the previous month's earnings on the last working day of the following month

Automatic ads

  • Supported: Yes
  • Description: Offers automatic ad placement, but also allows manual optimization of positions

Geographic coverage

  • Supported regions: Most countries and regions worldwide, especially English-speaking countries such as the USA, Canada, and the UK.
  • Unsupported regions: None

Approval tips

  • Comply with's content policies

Language support

Primarily supports English


Registration process

  • No direct registration portal. On the website, there's only a contact option. Publishers can send an email to [email protected], while advertisers can contact the ad sales team at [email protected].