One of the leading global digital advertising platforms. PropellerAds(Monetag) is a platform for monetizing desktop, mobile web, and in-app audiences, remnant ad inventory, and social traffic, providing access to global advertisers and high-income oriented tools.

PropellerAds(Monetag) | Google AdSense Alternatives

Company information

  • Company: Propeller Ads
  • Country: Cyprus
  • Establishment date: 2011

User base

  • Number of advertisers: 100,000+
  • Monthly homepage views: 6,000,000+
  • Monthly webmaster dashboard views: 8,000,000+


  • High conversion rates
  • Innovative ad formats
  • Global coverage
  • Real-time reporting
  • Self-service platform
  • Multiple targeting options
  • Automatic ads

Supported platforms

  • Websites
  • Mobile applications

Ad types

  • CPC
  • CPM
  • CPA

Ad formats

  • Push notifications
  • In-page push
  • Interstitial
  • Pop-up
  • Survey exit

Payment information

  • Minimum payout: 100 USD
  • Payment frequency: Weekly
  • Payment methods: PayPal, Skrill, Payoneer, Webmoney, Wire, Online Banking Wire, Revolut
  • Earnings period: Previous week's earnings
  • Payment cycle description: Weekly payments for the previous week's earnings, subject to reaching the minimum payout threshold


  • Website verification: Difficulty: Easy
  • Verification process: Add meta tag to website / upload file / WordPress plugin

Address verification

  • Required: No

Automatic ads

  • Supported: Yes
  • Description: Provides automatic ad placement feature, one code to automatically embed ads

Geographic coverage

  • Supported regions: Most countries and regions worldwide
  • Unsupported regions: None

Approval tips

  • Website content complies with platform policies
  • Stable traffic
  • Simple, quick, and easy approval process, can be used on the same day

Language support

Supports multiple language interfaces

EnglishRussianChineseFrenchSpanishBrazilian Portuguese

Referral program

  • Available: Yes