Taboola is a global leader in content discovery and native advertising platforms, providing personalized content and ads to users through its recommendation engine. It helps publishers increase revenue while offering advertisers opportunities to reach target audiences. It's an additional option to Google AdSense, focusing on native advertising. It integrates seamlessly with existing advertising methods, potentially increasing overall revenue without replacing any existing strategies.

Taboola | Google AdSense Alternatives

Company information

  • Company: Taboola, Inc.
  • Country: United States
  • Establishment date: 2007

User base

  • Number of publishers: 9,000+
  • Number of advertisers: 15,000+
  • Monthly homepage views: 380,000,000+


  • Smart content recommendations
  • Native advertising solutions
  • Efficient user acquisition
  • Global coverage
  • Diverse ad formats
  • Advanced targeting technology

Supported platforms

  • Websites
  • Mobile apps
  • AMP pages

Ad types

  • CPC
  • vCPM
  • CPCV

Ad formats

  • Feed ads
  • Widget ads
  • Full-screen scroll
  • Video ads
  • Native ads

Payment information

  • Payment frequency: Monthly
  • Earnings period: Previous month's earnings
  • Payment cycle description: Net 45 days payment terms

Geographic coverage

  • Supported regions: Multiple countries and regions worldwide
  • Unsupported regions: Sanctioned countries

Approval tips

  • Content complies with Taboola's policies and guidelines

Language support

Supports multiple language interfaces


Referral program

  • Available: No

Registration process

  • There is no direct registration portal. You can only fill out the website information first, then wait for them to contact you to review some information. The review process is quite strict. They will look at the website's traffic (page views) and traffic sources.