An advertising platform under Google, one of the largest online advertising services globally

Google AdSense | Google AdSense Alternatives

Company information

  • Company: Google LLC
  • Country: United States
  • Establishment date: June 18, 2003

User base

  • Number of publishers: 2,000,000+


  • Displays ads with the highest bids
  • Diverse ad formats
  • Global coverage
  • Displays relevant ads based on website content
  • Real-time data viewing
  • Ad filtering and blocking

Supported platforms

  • Websites
  • Mobile applications
  • YouTube

Ad types

  • CPC
  • CPM

Ad formats

  • Banner ads
  • Native ads
  • In-article ads
  • Multi-format ads

Payment information

  • Minimum payout: 100 USD
  • Payment frequency: Monthly
  • Payment methods: Bank transfer, Western Union, Check
  • Earnings period: Previous month's earnings
  • Payment cycle description: Payments for the previous month's earnings are made between the 21st and 26th of the current month, provided the minimum payout threshold is reached


  • Website verification: Difficulty: Moderate
  • Verification process: Requires adding verification code or file to the website

Address verification

  • Required: Yes
  • Verification method: PIN code sent by mail

Automatic ads

  • Supported: Yes
  • Description: Can automatically insert optimal ad placements on web pages, conduct A/B testing for ads, and automatically experiment to select better ad solutions.

Geographic coverage

  • Supported regions: Over 200 countries and regions worldwide
  • Unsupported regions: Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Crimea, Russia

Approval tips

  • Domain created several months ago
  • Original content, high-quality content, sufficient amount of content
  • Compliant with AdSense policies
  • Stable traffic flow
  • Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Language support

Supports multiple language interfaces and localization

Referral program

  • Available: No